On March 2, 2023, Armenian Association of Digital Health (AADH), co-hosted an Initiative Seminar titled “Digital Health: Opportunities and Challenges for Armenia”, together with (and on the premises of) the American University of Armenia (represented by the AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences, the Center for Transformative Health Solutions, and the Center for Innovation Advancement), the Russian-Armenian University (represented by the RAU Research and Education Center of Digital Health, CDH), and the company MiliMed. The Seminar was attended by more than 50 academics, practitioners, and students from the healthcare and high tech sectors.
In the first part of the Seminar, AADH President Prof. Dr. Georgi Chaltikyan gave a keynote where he presented and discussed the recent news and advances in Digital Health globally and in Armenia, and in particular, the progress on the major development project, the Armenian Digital Health Initiative that AADH has been working on since 2019. The second part of the event featured presentations by several Digital Health companies based in Armenia, including MiliMed, Télémédicine 360, and Doctor Yan, as well as a Q&A sessions, and a stimulating discussion on the main challenges in developing and widely deploying Digital Health in Armenia, and possible approaches to tackling those challenges and moving forward.
The meeting was also attended by the pioneering cohort of students of the new Double Degree Study Program Master of Digital Health (MDH) that was launched last year at the Russian-Armenian University jointly with the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) in Germany. The students of MDH (who are soon to participate in their exchange semester at DIT), took active part in the discussions, and received an additional inspiration in their journey to becoming the very first degree-certified Digital Health Specialists in Armenia.
Pictures courtesy American University of Armenia, used with permission.
Read more on Armenian Digital Health Initiative:
Read more on Double-Degree MDH at RAU and DIT: