
Educational, Research and Collaboration Stay at eHealth Competence Center (eHCC) 

October 3, 2012

JULY-SEPTEMBER, 2012: AATM President and CEO Dr. Chaltikyan participated in the Educational, Research and Collaboration Stay at eHealth Competence Center (eHCC) of the University Clinical Center of Regensburg, Germany, supported by a joint grant from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Open Society Foundation. During his stay, besides completing an extensive training course on HIS Architecture and HER Interoperability (eHealth Summer School by prominent Health Informatics expert Professor Bernd Blobel), he worked actively towards establishing collaboration between AATM and Armenian institutions on the one side, and University Clinic of Regensburg and a German telemedicine company, Klughammer GmbH, on the other.

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