AATM Participated in Med-e-Tel 2010 in Luxembourg

April 20, 2010

APRIL 14-16, 2010: AATM Participated in Med-e-Tel 2010 in Luxembourg – annual international forum on Telemedicine, eHealth and Health ICT, organized by the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH). The forum, attended by the Association for the second time, revealed important global tendencies with regard to national, international and global telemedicine and eHealth initiatives. AATM presented its recently started pilot project, as well as reported on other developments and achievements since the last year.
Med-e-Tel – the International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business – is one of the world’s most important congresses and business forums in the field of Telemedicine and eHealth. Med-e-Tel focuses on eHealth and Telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services. Organized annually since 2002 under the auspices of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) and held in a world-class congress and exhibition center, Luxexpo in Luxembourg, GD of Luxembourg, the forum is traditionally attended by local, European and international government officials and leading policy makers, and supported by major international agencies, such as WHO and ITU.
This year Med-e-Tel was for the first time officially hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH), as the latter took over the forum from the previous host, the Luxexpo. The event was attended by more than 500 participants including association executives, consultants, distributors and agents, educators and researchers, funding agencies, government representatives, health insurance providers, hospital management and department heads, international authorities, medical specialists and general practitioners, nurses, investors and others, from more than 50 countries. Its extensive program included more than 150 peer reviewed presentations, panel discussions and satellite conferences on topics such as bio-informatics, broadband and wireless networks, business models, cost-benefit studies, current eHealth realizations and projects, developing countries and eHealth, distance education, eHealth integration into routine medical practice, electronic medical records, home monitoring and homecare applications, legal and ethical aspects, reimbursement issues, satellites and eHealth, standardization and interconnectivity, and various telemedicine applications and projects. The event is supported by a wide range of national and international associations, institutions and media who are equally involved in the research, development or funding of eHealth and Telemedicine initiatives.
President of AATM, Dr. G. Chaltikyan, gave a talk presenting the Association’s current state of development, achievements in the past year since the previous Med-e-Tel, and current and prospective projects. In particular, a report on AATM’s ongoing pilot project caused significant interest in the audience, and the AATM team received high appreciation by the ISfTeH authorities and members, as well as colleagues worldwide, for continued efforts to advance the telemedicine and eHealth in Armenia. In addition to attending the forum’s extremely rich scientific program Dr. Chaltikyan continued networking with representatives of world’s leading scientific, educational and business organizations, professional associations, private companies, and public and private funds in the field of telemedicine eHealth.
See Med-e-Tel 2010 Flyer








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